Drugsmart Detox Chewing Gum
The packet will consist of 6 pieces of either infused dissolvable mint flavoured or similar.
Drugsmart Detox chewing gim is designed to be a quick and discreet way to help eliminate drugs and toxin residue that is often found in small amounts in saliva. These trace amounts are what can be detected in drug tests. Drugsmart Detox Gum is specifically designed to bind with these residual amounts in the saliva lowering the overalll level of detectable elements in the saliva.
– Place 2 pieces of gum in mouth
– Chew until gum begins to reduce (approximately 90 seconds)
– The gum will reduce to approximately 1/3 of the original size.
– Continue to chew for a further 2 minutes.
– At this point, the gum will be ready to discard.
– To enhance the effect, you may drink a glass of water and swish.
– For best results do not consume toxins for 24-38 hours preceding testing.
– 99.9% success if the instructions above followed correctly.